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3 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Chin Ups

Learn To Lift Training • Sep 18, 2020

Chin Ups are sometimes described as the Squat for the upper body. This notion in itself gives us a great deal of insight into just how effective the exercise is for strengthening and building muscle in that area.

Here's 3 simple but very potent tips you can utilise to help improve your Chin Ups.

Implement eccentrics


For many people performing full reps on Chin Ups won't be possible right away. However, you will find that you are much stronger in the eccentric portion of the movement than the concentric (the eccentric being the lowering down phase and the concentric the pulling yourself up to the bar phase).

As a result of this implementing eccentrics into your training can be a very powerful tool in building up the strength to perform full Chin Ups. To do this:

🔹Jump or if possible, climb up onto the rack so that you start in the top position with your chin over the bar.

🔹Then under control lower yourself back to the point where  you are hanging with your arms straight.

🔹Jump/climb back to the top again and repeat for sets and reps.

🔹Try and lower yourself as slowly as possible and at a steady pace throughout, increasing the time for this over the course of a few weeks to make it more and more challenging.

🔹You can also add additional reps and sets to progress things and accumulate more volume.

Use bands to help build them up


Bands can be a very handy tool. They essentially give you a boost from the bottom of the movement and make it easier to perform full reps.

The hardest part of the exercise is often pulling yourself through the first half of the range of motion, this is exactly where the band helps the most, giving you that little bit of help to get past this point and then offering less assistance at the top where the movement naturally becomes easier.

Loop the band over the bar/rack and position one of your knees in the band or for an even bigger boost pull it all the way down so you can get a foot in it and extend your leg.

As you improve you can decrease the thickness of the band you use and thus the assistance it offers. This is a good way to progress towards eventually removing the band altogether.


Focus on driving your elbows towards your ribs

This a good focal point technique wise and doing so will help contract your lats (one of the prime movers for the exercise) and pull your body into a good position to execute the movement.

Get some coaching and learn more

Getting your first Chin Up is a big milestone to hit and one to be very proud of. To get coaching and guidance on how to hit yours, take a look at our Personal Training in Glasgow and Glasgow Bootcamps pages.

Get building those Chin Ups team!

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